50 research outputs found

    Logical analysis of data as a tool for the analysis of probabilistic discrete choice behavior

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    Probabilistic Discrete Choice Models (PDCM) have been extensively used to interpret the behavior of heterogeneous decision makers that face discrete alternatives. The classification approach of Logical Analysis of Data (LAD) uses discrete optimization to generate patterns, which are logic formulas characterizing the different classes. Patterns can be seen as rules explaining the phenomenon under analysis. In this work we discuss how LAD can be used as the first phase of the specification of PDCM. Since in this task the number of patterns generated may be extremely large, and many of them may be nearly equivalent, additional processing is necessary to obtain practically meaningful information. Hence, we propose computationally viable techniques to obtain small sets of patterns that constitute meaningful representations of the phenomenon and allow to discover significant associations between subsets of explanatory variables and the output. We consider the complex socio-economic problem of the analysis of the utilization of the Internet in Italy, using real data gathered by the Italian National Institute of Statistics

    Next Generation Access and Digital Divide: Opposite Sides of the Same Coin?

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    Geographical averaging of retail and wholesale prices could distort incentives for bypass entry in both the metropolitan and the high-cost areas. The two-instrument approach to universal service support, proposed in (Armstrong, 2001), could enhance efficiency, through competitive and technological neutrality. Alternatively, the industry support to high cost areas could be substituted by redistributive fiscal measures or public subsidies. Using evidence from Italy we suggest that tackling demographic, educational, and income inequalities is necessary, even in low cost areas, to support further broadband penetration. We estimate logistic regressions of Internet and broadband use at home, and show that a substantial increase of broadband penetration is possible in Italy only if specific platforms and applications are made available to older and less educated households. Therefore, a critical mass of services could help reaching the critical mass of users that make Next Generation Access Networks viable. --Infrastructural Digital divide,Cultural Digital Divide,Geographical crosssubsidies,Efficient bypass,Critical mass of services


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    Il lavoro analizza l'intreccio tra competenze tecnologiche, economiche e giuridiche necessario alla definizione di un quadro regolatorio coerente ed efficace per i mercati delle comunicazioni elettroniche. Su questa base viene discusso il nuovo quadro regolamentare dell'Unione Europea e vengono individuate le criticità ritenute più rilevanti. Ci si concentra, in particolare sui fattori che rendono poco verosimile la prospettiva di un rapido superamento degli interventi regolatori ex-ante a favore di un approccio basato sulla applicazione ex-post del diritto della concorrenza

    Next Generation Networks: caratteristiche tecnologiche e problematiche concorrenziali

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    Sulla base di una analisi delle caratteristiche tecnico economiche delle reti di telecomunicazione di nuova generazione, il lavoro discute le prospettive di ulteriore evoluzione della struttura del mercato in senso competitivo e individua le motivazioni per un ripensamento della promozione da parte del regolatore di una progressiva infrastrutturazione degli operatori alternativi, in quanto le nuove infrastrutture fanno riemergere la rilevanza di nuove essential facilities